Eminence Magazine



Jupiter and Rahu advise you to control the shopping temptation this week. You may incur expenses by buying new clothing and a vehicle.

The transit of Mars may give you expenses related to land, property, or foreign land. There can be travel related to work and business.

Mars and Ketu indicate that you avoid any new partnership deal this time or have proper verification before signing a new deal related to your business. This week’s stars suggest you be sincere in your studies.

Clear out all of your pending study work and put all of the subjects you haven’t taken seriously into practice. You may face certain challenges related to adapting to the new change in your curriculum.

Singles may be approached with a proposal for a relationship. Some of you might get changes in residence, and this can give some stress from home and family.

Saturn and Moon indicate that there can be a small get-together with your in-laws. Avoid negative thoughts and practice meditation and exercise on a regular basis

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